最近因为《太阳的后裔》中姜暮烟的医生宣誓再一次把医生的誓言放到了观众面前,而之前在《浪漫医生金师傅》、《라이프》中都或多或少的提到医术的誓言。我脑海突然一下子浮现了韩剧中各色职业的誓言,编剧都把他们融合到了台词,或者主人公的性格中。《Live》中的警察誓言,《秘密森林》、《检察官内传》中检察官的誓言,到《辅佐官》中议员的誓言。韩剧用一种理想化的方式来表现这些公职角色的形象,而最近《You quiz on the block》中的法医,警察,犯罪心理侧写师则是实实在在的于现实中履行自己的义务。
이제 의업에 종사할 허락을 받음에, 나의 생애를 인류봉사에 바칠 것을 엄숙히 서약하노라. 나의 은사에 대하여 존경과 감사를 드리겠노라. 나의 양심과 위엄으로서 의술을 베풀겠노라. 나의 환자가 알려준 모든 비밀을 엄중히 지키겠노라. 나는 의업의 고귀한 전통과 명예를 유지하겠노라 나는 동업자를 형제처럼 여기겠노라. 나는 인류, 종교, 국적, 정당, 정파, 또는 사회적 지위 여하를 초월하여 오직 환자에 대한 나의 의무를 지키겠노라. 나는 인간의 생명을 그 수태된 때로부터 지상의 것으로 존중히 여기겠노라. 비록 위협을 당할지라도 나의 지식을 인도에 어긋나게 쓰지 않겠노라
Hippocrates:The Oath of Medicine
You do solemnly swear, each by whatever he or she holds most sacred
That you will be loyal to the Profession of Medicine and just and generous to its members
That you will lead your lives and practice your art in uprightness and honor
That into whatsoever house you shall enter, it shall be for the good of the sick to the utmost of your power, your holding yourselves far aloof from wrong, from corruption, from the tempting of others to vice
That you will exercise your art solely for the cure of your patients, and will give no drug, perform no operation, for a criminal purpose, even if solicited, far less suggest it
That whatsoever you shall see or hear of the lives of men or women which is not fitting to be spoken, you will keep inviolably secret
These things do you swear. Let each bow the head in sign of acquiescence
And now, if you will be true to this, your oath, may prosperity and good repute be ever yours; the opposite, if you shall prove yourselves forsworn.
1948 日内瓦宣言
At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession
I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity:
I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;
I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity;
The health and life of my patient will be my first consideration;
I will respect the secrets which are confided in me;
I will maintain by all means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession;
My colleagues will be my brothers:
I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of its conception,
even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor…
I solemnly pledge to concentrate my life to the service of humanity. I will give my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity. The health of my patients will be my number one consideration. I will respect the secrets that are confided in me, even after my patient has died. I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession. My colleagues will be my sisters and brothers. I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, race, political affiliation, nationality, sexual orientation, social standing, or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient. I will maintain the utmost respect for human life. I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat. I make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honor.
健康所系,性命相托。 当我步入神圣医学学府的时刻,谨庄严宣誓: 我志愿献身医学,热爱祖国,忠于人民,恪守医德,尊师守纪,刻苦钻研,孜孜不倦,精益求精,全面发展。 我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术的圣洁和荣誉,救死扶伤,不辞艰辛,执着追求,为祖国医药卫生事业的发展和人类身心健康奋斗终生。
본인은 공직자로서 긍지와 보람을 가지고 국가와 국민을 위하여 신명을 바칠 것을 다짐하면서 다음과 같이 선서합니다. 1.본인은 법령을 준수하고 상사의 직무상의 명령에 복종한다. 1.본인은 국민의 편에 서서 정직과 성실로 직무에 전념한다. 1.본인은 창의적인 노력과 능동적인 자세로 소임을 완수한다. 1.본인은 재직 중은 물론 퇴직 후에라도 직무상 알게 된 기밀을 절대로 누설하지 아니한다. 1.본인은정의의 실천자로서 부정의 발본에 앞장선다.
I will well and faithfully serve Her Majesty and Her Heirs and Successors according to law as a police officer, I will obey, uphold and maintain the laws of the Colony of Hong Kong, I will execute the powers and duties of my office honestly, faithfully and diligently without fear of or favour to any person and with malice or ill will towards none, and I will obey without question all lawful orders of those set in authority over me.
余誓以至誠,恪遵國家法令,盡忠職 守,報效國家;依法執行任務,行使職權;勤謹謙和,為民服務。如違誓 言,願受最嚴厲之處罰,謹誓。
나는 이 순간 국가와 국민의 부름을 받고 영광스러운 대한민국 검사의 직에 나섭니다. 공익의 대표자로서 정의와 인권을 바로 세우고 범죄로부터 내 이웃과 공동체를 지키라는 막중한 사명을 부여받은 것입니다. 나는 불의의 어둠을 걷어내는 용기 있는 검사, 힘없고 소외된 사람들을 돌보는 따뜻한 검사, 오로지 진실만을 따라가는 공평한 검사, 스스로에게 더 엄격한 바른 검사로서, 처음부터 끝까지 혼신의 힘을 다해 국민을 섬기고 국가에 봉사할 것을 나의 명예를 걸고 굳게 다짐합니다.